До чего доводит чрезмерное использование автомобилей
Я, конечно, понимаю, что российским жителям до такого далеко. Причём, как с точки зрения массовости автомобилей, так и с точки зрения контроля и внимания по отношению к детям со стороны системы образования и служб опеки. Хотя, с учётом последних веяний в последнем я не столь уверен.
Вот какая забавная история приключилась. Одной американской маме из штата Мэриленд довелось иметь не самую весёлую переписку с директором школы по поводу того, что дочка ездит на занятия на автобусе. У директора возникли опасения, хорошие ли у пятиклассницы родители, коли они не могут отвезти девочку в школу на машине.
It had been brought to her attention, the principal said, by some “concerned parents,” that my daughter had been riding the city bus to and from school. I said, yes, we had just moved outside of the neighborhood, and felt that this was the most convenient way for our 5th grader to get there and back. The principal asked was I not concerned for her safety? “Safety from what?” I inquired. “Kidnapping,” she said reluctantly. I said that I would not bore her by talking statistics that, being in the business of taking care of young children, she surely knew better than I did. She reminded me that our transfer application (a formality in cases such as ours, when the student has less than a year left to complete at their former school) has not yet been submitted, and that if we were “unable to provide transportation,” the central office would not approve this transfer. I assured her that we were perfectly able to provide transportation, but were choosing to avail ourselves of the city’s excellent public transportation system instead.
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